The Future of National Cryptocurrencies – Is there a need, and how will they shape the business world?

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The Future of National Cryptocurrencies

– Is there a need, and how will they shape the business world?

Bitcoin and other decentralised cryptocurrencies have taken a giant leap lately. From being speculative financial objects it has become a central part of big corporates’ financial strategies and may soon become integrated in everyday payments.

  • How will the general public and businesses adopt the new possibilities?
  • Can the digital currencies compete with the national currencies,
  • Are the National Banks prepared for competition?

BNCC and Advokatfirmaet Ræder have invited an exciting panel to analyse and discuss these essential questions.

Keynote speakers

Mr. Peder Østbye

Special Adviser, Norges Bank 

Peder advises on amongst other opportunities, risks, regulatory aspects of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and associated technologies.






Mr. Martin Sandbu

European Economics Commentator,

Financial Times

Martin also writes Free Lunch, the FT’s weekly newsletter on the global economic policy debate. Before joining the FT, he worked in academia and policy consulting. He has taught and carried out research at Harvard, Columbia and the Wharton School, and has advised governments and NGOs on natural resources and economic development. He is the author of three books including “The Economics of Belonging”. 


Mr. Torbjørn Bull Jensen

CEO of Arcane Crypto

Torbjørn Bull Jenssen is a recognized expert on bitcoin and financial applications of blockchain technology. He is the CEO of Arcane Crypto, a company investing in and developing services leveraging bitcoin and other public blockchains. Torbjørn holds and MSc in Economics and Econmoetric Modeling, and wrote his masters thesis on bitcoin in 2014




Mr. Henry Holden

Adviser BIS Innovation, Bank For International Settlements

Henry is an Adviser at the BIS Innovation Hub, focusing on projects related to central bank digital currency. His background is in payment and clearing systems, first at the Bank of England and more recently in the secretariat for the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI).





Kyrre W Kielland

Partner, Advokatfirmaet Ræder AS

Kyrre is an experienced corporate and banking/finance lawyer within, inter alia, the Fintech sector. He regularly provides corporate and regulatory advice to Norwegian and international players exploring business opportunities related to cryptocurrencies. Kyrre has a keen interest for cryptocurrencies and has been on the Board of Dataforeningen’s Blockchain network since 2018.





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